By the Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research (CRTR) – UHI
The COAST exhibitions are currently at The Briggait in Glasgow until 6th March 2023. The historic venue, a former fish market, is a striking backdrop for the displays that were created as part of the project by Lateral North.
On 10th January, the CRTR UHI team presented on the project at an event hosted by Lateral North and ruralDimensions at The Briggait called ‘The World that is Shaping our COAST’ – exploring the past, present and future of Scotland’s ever-changing coastline.
UHI are continuing to promote the project thanks to an extension granted by NatureScot through ERDF funding so it will now run until the end of June 2023, allowing more time to share the almost 400 engaging and emotive stories that were gathered from within communities across the west coast and islands of Scotland over the past two years.
Updates on the next location of the exhibitions will be posted on the website and on the project social media channels @coastscot.