In April the UHI project team exhibited COAST at the Museums and Heritage Highland ‘Sealladh’ conference in Inverness. Over sixty delegates connected to the heritage sector across the Highlands attended, including curators, archaeologists, conservationists, historians, tour guides, funding officers, Gaelic officers, and members of volunteer heritage groups. This led to some great conversations over the two-day event about heritage in the Highlands, including the challenges to remote and rural museums and how to use and represent Gaelic.
We were pleased to present the COAST project during a Pecha Kucha session as well as host a stall which showcased our app and exhibition materials, and delighted at the positive response we received.
It was inspiring to learn about so many other great heritage and tourism initiatives taking place throughout the Highlands. Other highlights included an evening screening of the beautiful and reflective film Dùthchas, featuring recently uncovered film from 1960s and 1970s Berneray, and seeing our colleagues at West Highland Museum showcasing their new virtual reality experience which recreates the fort at Fort William as it appeared in 1746 – we’ll visit soon to have a go!