Courtesy of University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library
"In the late autumn of 2017, whilst out fishing on the east coast of Lewis, off the South Lochs area, myself and a couple friends were out fishing for mackerel, when on the shoreline we saw what appeared to be a man lying on the rocks. He appeared to be smaller in stature than an average man and was more like a boy with a more mature face and torso, and with a jet-black beard and hair. As we called out to him, he noticed our boat and slid down into the water. We never saw him again...
"In 2018, months after the sighting of a merman, whilst out for a walk to the pebble beach known as 'Mol', behind the village of Marvig, South Lochs, I saw a bunch of branches and spikes sticking out if the water, at the entrance of the bay. I thought it looked like a floating tree with its roots showing. But, after ten seconds it suddenly appeared to submerge underwater...
"This is usually the sign of a sea dog, as described in Olaus Magnus' Carta Marina (pictured). Other Hebrideans have been warned about their existence and used to be drilled at throwing barrels overboard, so to make the sea dogs play instead of attacking the ship. It was still very humbling to have witnessed one."
As told by Hector Malcolm, resident of Lewis
More information on visiting the area can be found here.