
Explore our themes

Hundreds of stories were gathered across the west coast of Scotland by 32 local story gatherers, as well as through online submissions and workshops. These stories range across eight themes for you to explore, and there are also 20 cross-cutting tags in the Map view, from Vikings and Jacobites, to Gaelic Culture and Hiding Places…

By sharing these stories, we hope to connect the west coast of Scotland to the nation and the world.
Sunset over Rum - Collin Nutt
Architecture and Built Environment icon

Architecture and Built Environment

Many buildings that now lie untouched have seen and hold so many stories. Others had purposes that have now adapted into new ones. Others no longer stand but have been replaced by new structures unrelated to its past but cater to today’s demands. The architecture of these built environments tells us about the communities of the past and today which we want to share and celebrate.

Arts & Culture icon

Arts & Culture

Living in the colour, beauty and peace of the west coast sparks inspiration and creativity for many of the residents and those who visit. This section will convey some of the creatives that have shaped themselves and their crafts by their environment as well as how their art has been used within the communities.

Changing Environment icon

Changing Environment

As climate change and the movement of people impacts our planet, our environment shifts and evolves. COAST has sought to better understand these changes and how they affect our coastal communities. This theme shares the stories and perspectives of the people living through these changes.

Communities icon


Everyone has stories to tell- of the events that have shaped their lives and communities, of local legends, of unexpected incidents, of dark days but also times of joy and laughter. This exhibition explores some of these unique tales.

Folklore and Myth icon

Folklore and Myth

The stories told around the campfire never gets old and our fascination with stories and the ability to imagine and question what if will always linger. These stories can also shape and make us who we are today and what we believe. This section will cover the myths and folklore of the west coast.

Histories and Eras icon

Histories and Eras

The tales that have been passed down many generations to land in our very own hands. We would like to share these stories that shape and mould many of the most iconic landmarks in the west coast.

Migration icon


The west coast has lost many of its own throughout the decades. However, it has also welcomed many people from far and wide. This theme tells the stories of immigration and emigration to and from the west coast of Scotland.

Productive Landscapes and Seascapes icon

Productive Landscapes and Seascapes

Scotland’s most iconic feature is the beautiful landscape that we all cherish. The west coast hoards the lush beaches and colourful homes and communities. The landscape and seascape are not only beautiful for some, but they also provide the resources needed to make their living, fishing and farming, as well as traditional crafts, enrich the islands and the culture to be personable and unique in their own way.